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Loved it =) had a blast, handled well, and was clever. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for playing my game and especially for recording it and posting it on your channel :) It really does mean a lot to me.


Very nice work with this one. I had a blast and worked well on my galaxy phone, keep it up!

Thank you very much :) Really liking your games too, really interesting stuff, so you should also keep it up!


So, the game starts, starts on a black screen, space and LMB causes some sounds, is that a loading screen or?


Sorry about that, it seems that it's a glitch, but I haven't seen that one before.
Could you tell me if you are using Windows or Linux and what version of the operating system?
Thanks for pointing this bug out and if I can reproduce it, hopefully I can fix it.


W10, are there specifications on the GPU? pretty old AMD.


Thanks for the info. It shouldn't be a problem since I coded it to use OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.2, which is pretty old and should be compatible with most old cards. All I can think of is maybe you need to check if you have the newest drivers for your graphics card?
Either way, I'll look around on some forums and see if  anyone has mentioned similar issues with AMD and the way I've written the renderer.
Sorry I couldn't fix it right away, but you've been very helpful.


Very fun game, didn't expect this to be so smooth!

one suggestion though, it would be nice if we're able to swap between weapons faster, because i almost cursed the whole family tree of these cats in some "regrettable" situations 💀

and how their whole body just evaporates and splits once you shotgun their face, MWAH! i loved that haha

Thanks :) I was nervous finally releasing it, so your comment has made my day.
I'm also glad it ran smoothly. I wrote the engine myself, but it has only been tested on the computers I own.
I'm going to take a few days off coding (I need a break), but I'll make sure to look into faster weapon switching. I think I'll also add mousewheel scrolling to change weapons. 


coding your own engine and creating this experience deserves more than a break haha ^^
good luck on your future endeavors!